I have wondered again about the fact that from a certain perspective everything gets manifested instantly because it is occurring now. But since manifesting is about manifesting a wish, desire, intention, love, etc. (let’s call it here a ‘will’) then the coming up here question is whose will it is that is being manifested as the now experience.
If I indeed create my own reality then another question would be which ‘I’ or which self identification psychological parameters manifest my current now. Yet if there are no divisions to the self (and basically there can not be any if All That Is is to be) then the question would be more like what am I choosing to be aware of in/as my now (
No two moments are the same yet a lot of being manifested physically, often appears much alike or as results of habits, habitual thoughts/feelings patterns. Therefore the identified-at-the-moment-with-self’s perceived as new energy pattern should, technically, alter that self’s manifested experience.
What then determines the rapidity of manifestation for a given self? It seems that the intensity and congruency of the introduced emotional-energy, focus seems to be of key issue. By congruency I mean whether the newly introduced pattern is identified with strongly, fully enough to produce desired changes.
Many say that simply consistently feeling good makes the will’s physical appearance or manifestation most efficient. The reason for that would be increased congruency or harmonicity of the overall vibrational self’s energy pattern. So one important factor here is self agreeing that feeling good is important or rather that the pursuance of not feeling good physical actions (in order to manifest desired ends) is not all that beneficial after all – hence it introduces an ever not so good feeling kernel of emotional energy and therefore perpetuates the not so good feeling cycle of not so satisfying and habitual in that way manifesting. The same, of sourse, applying to the habitual or otherwise focusing without any obvious physical counterpart at hand.
All right. That’s my manifesting musings for the moment. Wishing You, as always, most satisfying rapid manifesting!
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