Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Instant Manifesting Is A Blessing

It is well known that the huge obstacle to manifesting anything is emotional attachment to the idea that the self is limited. So neither the self of the human self or self as human is limited. But then another variation of that is the idea that there is a scarcity of anything, that there might be not enough of anything for everyone :-)

In essence it is it is really the same thing since everything is made of other selves, other energies and through all that being expression of All That Is - it is really ourselves manifesting in endless aspects of selfhood and the links so to speak from one to all others just are. The links themselves are energies and selves and a transition from any one state of the self-energy to another is open and free to all.

I am quite enjoying the physical reality itself and the habitual, gradual unflodment of forms as in say plants growth - being something I find charming. Some say though that not manifesting desires instantly is a 'blessing' because instantly manifesting things we do not like would be being instantly faced with too much unpleasant stuff. They forget though that instant manifesting is indeed instant manifesting, what I mean by that is that if you are in the instant manifestign mode and you instantly manifest anything that does not please you - you can then just as instantly manifest anything else that pleases you instead :-)

I have experienced that quite vividly in the so called out of body states of consciousness (OOB). It is a consciousness realm where you are as conscious as anytime physically and even much more so, the surroundings can look and feel just like physical ones if you want them to but your manifesting can be also instantaneous at ease.

The instant manifesting in OOB can relate to the fact of not processing experience directly through habitual memory channels of the physical body. But in any case everyone mortal finds him/her self in that state after ceasing the self identification with the physical body organism. And I surely wouldn't call that 'afterlife' state one of getting into trouble just because everyone there steps there into the instant manifesting realm.

And of course, you do not need to go out of body to be manifesting instnatnly with pleasure. For example I was once stepping out of a building into a hot summer day and I thought like, wow is it ever hot, while feeling momentarily that it would be nice to expreience a soft cooling water all around. And then within few seconds a delicious summer rain started pouring - out of perfectly blue sky! I enjoyed it for few minutes and then feeling my clothing getting damp thought that it would be nice feeling dry again. And so as instantly as it started - right there the rain has stopped. By the way, it was a real neat feeling, looking up into the beautiful crisp blue all around sky and watching the millions of raindrops pour out of it.

Ok so summing up this little merry chat, All That Is as the primary consciousness grouping, experiences everyting instantly by the definition of what it is and I am sure It does not consider Itself being out of grace because of that :-) Anyhow, there is an endless supply of anything anyone of the portions of this All That Is pleases to manifest, instantly ready for the taking, here and now.

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