Monday, May 22, 2006

Instant Manifesting Mood

Hi Everyone,

I have been thinking today how the general mood one is in affects the speed of manifesting of what is being desired. And that reminds me now of an excellent book I have read, with a long title: "The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher; The View of William James". That book has been sort of channeled by Jane Roberts or more precisely - delivered through the means of automatic typing. That is, in this originally nonphysical book the original autor - William James - describes his afterlife adventures and later Jane sort of mentally picks up the energy essence of that book and delivers it physically by letting her fingers type it out. Anyhow I find that book quite delightful to read, particularly the later chapters in which the autor delves into describing his afterlife studies of the Divine Consciousness of All :-) So anyhow, he goes there as far as saying that it is this blissfull Divine Mood itself that is responsible for the creation of all universes!

I sure relate to that. Going now throught the list of my instant manifestations I would say that a sort of enchanted mood accompanied each of those. That is my positive focus on and the resulting excited expectation of experiencing instant manifestations created this sort of conscious on my part energy link with this universal conscious energy that itself, by the virtue of what it is - always manifests itself instantly. I mean the 'link' is always there because that energy is what we are to begin with but when the enthusiasm of its instanteneous manifestability so to speak becomes contageous eneough, to the self consciousness that I normally identify it then my thinking and manifesting begins to run more along the tracks of instant, absolutely effortless manifestations. By effortless, I mean here that no physical action is required for manifesting when purely focused within that energy field although I would say that the maintenance of such focus within the realm of daily physical events can easily be considered an effort :-)

Well, the mood of the summer is wonderful to me so I'm going out now to enjoy it. Merry Go Lucky Instant Manifesting to All of you who like that!

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